We Love Tools - Video



The behind-the-scenes tour of where it all happens – the toolshed. Get to know the colourful characters who make your garden dream a reality.




It was Dolly Parton who once said that "love is like a butterfly" and I have to agree... well, kind of! There is nothing I enjoy more than sitting out in my patch, enjoying the flit of flight and flash of colour from some beautiful butterflies. While these are not always the first cab off the fauna rank when we think of habitat gardening, butterfly gardening plays an important role in increasing backyard biodiversity. As well as which it's immensely rewarding, and it's dead easy!

Before we get started, we need to understand a few things about butterflies and creating biodiverse butterfly habitat. Attracting and keeping butterflies in your patch means that you need to provide food and shelter for them at every stage of their life cycle. That means from caterpillar right through to the attractive adult life phase... so if you can't stand the grubs, a butterfly garden may not be for you!

As the American comedian George Carlin once said, the caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity! Butterflies should be a welcome addition to the garden, and, just like loads of native critters, they need all the help we can give them to ensure that don't disappear from our gardens altogether. But, as we are helping them, they are helping us, by pollinating a range of plants and providing a important link in the food chain!

There are about 400 species of butterfly in Australia with a significant number of these living on a wing and a prayer due to habitat loss and removal of key food plants. Unfortunately, recent research1 shows that a number of species are on the verge of extinction.

The bulk of our Australian  butterflies are confined to the tropics, but every state and territory has their own range of Lepidoptera (scientific name for the butterfly and moth family), a large proportion of which are simple to attract to your patch. So, how do we do it? Just follow a few simple design principles and your garden will be beautified by butterflies in no time!

Designing Your Butterflies Garden


As with all types of garden, the first thing that has to be considered in the construction of a butterfly garden is the position. Butterflies are delicate and do not like wind, but they love the sun! Butterflies use the early morning sun to warm themselves and retreat to cooler, shadier places during the heat of the day.  A spot that is fairly sheltered and protected, but gets a fair bit of sun is ideal... but there is a catch. Butterflies love moisture - not always that easy to supply in a full sun spot.

Our suggestion is to dig a couple of small, shallow depressions, and periodically fill these up with water... the butterflies will thank you for it. In return, you may be fortunate enough to be treated to a display of "puddling", where butterflies land on these moist depressions and suck the water out of the soil. This often happens en masse and is quite impressive!  A few flattish rocks into your butterfly garden will give your fluttering friends a place to land and sun themselves, and, if you pay close attention, you may be able to watch the butterflies "courting" each other!

The Need for Feed

The key to a really successful butterfly garden is to provide both food and shelter for all stages of butterfly life -  from the egg, to the caterpillar, to the butterfly and then over again. Caterpillars like food plants while the beautiful adults love a feed of nectar.  So, what kind of plants should we plant? There are some general rules of thumb that apply to most butterflies, but, like people, some butterflies can be a bit fussy and have specific dietary requirements (more on these later).

As always, it is important to avoid planting any plants that have the potential to be invasive. Unfortunately, one of Australia's worst garden escapees, Lantana camara, is also a fantastic butterfly attracting plant, and butterflies probably helped spread this plant throughout our bushland. But our native butterflies are happier with some locally native species, so avoid the exotics and go for local plants!

Food Plants for Caterpillars and shelter for butterflies eggs

Caterpillars have voracious appetites, and can eat every edible part of their preferred food plants. If gardening for butterflies, it is important to overcome the fear of caterpillars and accept that some well munched plants are a sign of a good, working, butterfly garden. Great egg-laying and caterpillar-munching plants include:

Shrubs and Trees: Wattles (Acacia sp.), Bush Peas (Pultenaea sp.), Purple Fan Flower (Scaevola sp.)

Grasses: Lomandra sp., Poa sp. (including australis, tenera, labillardieri,) and sedges like Gahnia sp. and Carex sp.

Ground Covers: Purple Coral Pea (Hardenbergia violacea), Running Postman (Kennedia prostrata)

Mistletoes, although thought to be a pest by some,  hosted by a number of Australian indigenous trees are also exceptional spots for butterfly egg laying and food sources for many of our native butterflies.

Be sure to check for your local listings for specific food plants for local butterflies.

Flowers and Nectar Traps for butterflies

Colourful, massed beds draw butterflies in and keep them happily moving through the garden. They particularly like blue, yellow and red, but are attracted to a large range of colours, with bold clusters of flowers more effective than single plants dotted through a garden. An excellent idea is to group the plants together according to colour, creating big colourful clusters that butterflies just can't resist. The shape of the flower is important too, with simple, flat flowers easier for butterflies to extract nectar. Double flowers with their multiple petals are too complex. But daisies, native pelargoniums and bluebells, saltbush plants, and pea flowers are especially useful.

Knowing which butterflies in  your area is important in knowing which food plants to provide, as a few of our rare and threatened butterflies only feed on a small number of locally native plants. The list below is a selection of native plants found in many parts of Australia that may attract butterflies to you garden.

Trees: Wattles (Acacia sp. including Silver, Black Wattle and Blackwood), Eucalypt sp., Allocasuarina sp., Tea Trees (Leptospermum sp.) and Banksia sp.

Shrubs: Bossaiea sp., Bursaria sp., Correa sp., Bottlebrushes (Callistemon sp.), Hop Goodenia (Goodenia ovata), Hakea sp., Pimelia sp., Boobialla (Myoporum sp.) and Kangaroo Apples (Solanum sp.)

Ground Covers: Purple Coral Pea (Hardenbergia violacea), Running Postman (Kennedia prostrata) and Native Violet (Viola hederacea)

Wildflowers: Just about all of them! Your garden centre should be able to give you a good idea of some suitable local native plants!

Climbers: Clematis sp., and Wonga Vine (Pandorea pandorana)

Avoid Chemicals

Not all of us are completely at ease with "creepy-crawly-slimy-slithery-furry-flying" critters and insects in the garden and tend to declare chemical warfare at the first sign of insect inhabitants.  In order to keep a biodiverse, butterfly-friendly backyard, we need to consider seriously our use of  chemicals.

Insects and invertebrates are an incredibly important part of any ecosystem, and this includes mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants and spiders. We have all heard of the butterfly effect, where a minor action in one location can have devastating "knock-on" effects elsewhere. Apply this to your backyard where the sprinkling of ant granules or the spraying of pesticides could have a detrimental impact on not only the target insect, but a whole host of important invertebrates. Think carefully about chemical use, and, where possible (especially in butterfly gardens) avoid it altogether. After all, a couple of holes in a few leaves is all part of nature!

And it's that simple. There is no minimum size or space recommended for a butterfly garden, and, as we all know, size isn't everything, it's what you do with it. By planting a good mix of food and nectar plants, providing water and moist soil, and avoiding butterfly-battering chemicals, your garden should be a haven of fluttery activity in no time. Consider keeping a butterfly book, tracking the sightings and activities of butterflies and caterpillars in your patch, and get the kids involved in butterfly spotting and "egg hunts". Happy butterfly gardening!


Brabey MF et al (2021) https://theconversation.com/next-time-you-see-a-butterfly-treasure-the-memory-scientists-raise-alarm-on-these-26-species-159798

Useful links for:

New South Wales (northern)
Western Australia
Northern Territory

Snails & Slugs

Hi, my name is:

Garden Snail

Describe yourself: Like most of the snails in your garden I'm a foreigner to this land. I am a bit of a nomad, travelling light and taking my shelter with me. But, rest assured, when I get to your place, if conditions are good, I tend to stay for a while. Some people say I'm slimy, but I reckon you should make up your own mind on that. I'm related to Slug and he pretty much does what I do in your garden but he doesn't call a shell home! He's a bit of an exhibitionist and you should see what he gets up to with his missus!!!!

Hobbies: Hanging out after dark, munching on seedlings, putting huge holes in leaves, laying trails!

Likes: A moist environment, night time, cloudy days and especially when it rains in the evening.  That's when my slime won't dry out.  I also love depositing a good egg clutch in the soil in warm months. That's why you might find me hiding in pots or in mulch where I won't dry out so much.  Freshly planted seedlings are irresistible to my discerning palette. And I really love a beer - I just can't hold it!

Dislikes: Australian native snails, birds, blue tongue lizards and frogs! I hate coffee (espresso kills me); crushed eggshells; lime; wood ash; wood shavings and sawdust. I don't like dry weather because I need to keep my skin moist so I go back into my shell and seal the opening with slime which dries out and protects me from dehydration.  That's why you'll see me after rain, especially after a dry spell when I've become really hungry - rain melts my slime telling me I can come out safely and FEED!  But I always fall for the 'traps with fresh beer' trick but dislike the unpleasant aftermath (death). I hate iron based snail and slug pellets and copper strips around pots.

You'll know you've met me when: All your newly planted seedlings, especially veggies and herbs, are munched right down to the ground. There are big holes in leaves, and shiny silver trails wherever I've visited!

Breaking up ain't hard to do... if:

  • You come spotlighting with a torch about two hours after sunset - especially if it's raining - and wear your gumboots for a bit of a hoedown with me.
  • Spray a coffee mix (one part espresso to ten parts water) on the plants I like to eat and around the areas I like to travel.
  • Shout me a beer and lay it on its side where I am most active. I love a beer, but it's the last thing I'll ever drink.
  • Create obstacles of crushed eggshells, lime, wood ash, wood shavings and sawdust around plants. I'm not the athletic type so barriers will protect your vulnerable plants from my unwelcome attentions.
  • Mulch the area with some strong smelling herbs like wormwood, mint, tansy or lemon balm. And add some pine needles to stop me right in my tracks
  • Put strips of copper foil around near the top of pots or raised garden beds
  • Put some yummy citrus rind halves out for my daytime nap. If you catch me there before dark.
  • The worst thing you can do to me is to pick me up and drop me into a bottle with water and soap in it.  That not only kills me, but it also kills any fertilised eggs that are in my shell, so you'll also have prevented my children from having a life in the garden.

Beat the Heat - with a DIY Sunshade

Many parts of Australia get scorchingly hot over summer. As I write this, it is 36C outside and our garden is shimmering in the late afternoon heat. Lettuces and many other vegetables are not well-adapted to these high temperatures. Extreme heat can damage leaves and fruit, and reduce the productivity of your garden.

This handy idea and article has been contributed by one of SGA's subscribers, Sarah Mare. She writes:

We’ve made shade cloth screens to protect our vegetables in the hottest months. The photo (below) shows one of our DIY sunshades, set up to protect plants from the midday and afternoon sun.

We made this sunshade using:
- 4 tall tomato stakes - for the frame
- 4 bamboo poles - 2 for the frame and 2 for the sunshade
- 1 piece of shade cloth
- Garden twine
- Nylon fishing line - to sew sleeves at the raw ends of the shade cloth

You should be able to get most of these materials from your local garden supplies outlet. You can get fishing line from some hardware stores or from a bait and tackle shop if you live near the water.

To make the frame:

1. Hammer a tomato stake into the ground at each corner of the vegetable bed.

2. Attach a bamboo crossbar between the two rear tomato stakes - the bamboo can be lashed to the tomato stakes using garden twine (see inset in photo below).

3. Attach a bamboo crossbar between the two front tomato stakes.

To make the sunshade:

1. Make a sleeve at each end of the shade cloth - the sleeves need to be wide enough hold a bamboo pole. You can do this by turning over the raw edge to create a very wide hem, and then sewing the layers together with fishing line.

2. Slide a bamboo pole into each sleeve.

Here is the completed sunshade, ready to go over the frame:

Drape the sunshade over the frame and secure it, so that it doesn’t thrash around in the wind. You can secure it by tying the ends of the bamboo poles to the frame, or tying them down to bricks or tent pegs.

The sunshade is adjustable - you can get more coverage by tying the sunshade out on an angle like a tent. Alternatively, you could make longer a sunshade so that you can cover both front and rear of the vegetable bed.

The sunshade is easy to store over winter. Just wrap the sunshade around its bamboo poles and store it in your shed or garage. The frame can be dismantled or left in place for next year.

Photographs by David Mare, 2017.


Cucumis sativus 

Fresh, pickled or as an ingredient in many a dish and used the world over, cucumbers have a lovely place in the summer garden. Although they need a fair amount of love and tenderness they reward the grower with beautiful fruit. Home grown cucumbers are usually a bit knobbly and may not be as perfect as the shop bought, but they make up for that in their taste and texture.


Planting Schedule

Warm Areas: July to March
Temperate Areas: September to January
Cool to Cold Areas: October to December

Cucumber’s can be a bit fussy about position. In cool zones, they love nothing more than a spot in full sun. However, in areas with hot summers, a little tenderness and shade will encourage your cucumbers. You can actually grow cucumbers in about 30% – 50 % shade in places where the air is warm. A simple shade covering, temporary or something more permanent will protect the plants from the harsh sun as well as reducing the risk of scarring the fruit, (it might have the added benefit of protecting your plants from pests too).

Another thing to consider with cucumbers is that they are essentially vines and they need to climb. Pick a position that provides them with the right amount of sun and also gives them a bit of support. Fences and trellis do fine as do wire supports. Alternatively you can use sweet corn as a “living stake” for cucumbers. It makes the most of the space in your patch and is a sustainable solution for staking. This works best where there is good airflow ; and these two are excellent companions.

Good soil preparation is vitally important. Cucumbers need a friable (loose), well drained soil, full of organic matter, especially compost. Plant in a mound about 40cm across, with two cucumbers to each mound. This acts to improve drainage.  Add a good straw mulch to help keep the roots cool, stop the soil drying out and prevent the fruit come into contact with the ground,  helping to prevent fungal diseases, (more on that later).

Being a fruiting plant, cucumbers require a reasonably high level of feeding, especially when it comes to fruiting. This means that they will pretty much take in whatever food is available and this is where you need to be a bit careful. A good amount of compost is the best starting point. Anything stronger than this can encourage a lot of healthy leaf growth but does not encourage fruiting.   Give cucumbers a feed at planting time with either watered down worm wee or a seaweed based liquid feed. Feed again when you see the first little fruits appear (they look like tiny gherkin).

What about the Water?
Cucumbers present a convincing argument for drip-irrigation and rainwater tanks - they are thirsty!   Installing drip irrigation in your produce patch should always be considered, but it’s almost a necessity with cucumbers. Drippers on top of the soil, under a nice 5cm – 7cm layer of mulch and directed around the base of your plants is perfect. Its puts the water exactly where it’s needed… the roots!

Cucumbers don’t respond well to other methods of watering as they are susceptible to fungal diseases if their foliage is wet.   Don’t let them dry out either or you may end up with bitter or dry fruit.  If you must hand water cucumbers, make sure you do it first thing in the morning ensuring that you are aiming mainly at the root zone of the plant avoiding the foliage.

The variety  of cucumber you chose will determine when it’s ready to pick and a number  of varieties that have multiple uses.  If you want gherkins, pick the long, green cucumbers when they are about 5cm – 10cm in length. Alternatively, these can be left on the plant and picked when they are 15cm – 20cm for tasty “salad” cucumbers. Same deal for Lebanese cucumbers. The round apple shaped cucumbers are best picked when they are about tennis ball size. Cucumbers generally take about 8 – 10 weeks to ripen, stretching out to 12 – 14 weeks for apple cucumbers. Make sure you monitor your vines regularly; it’s better to harvest when cucumbers are under-ripe, rather than over-ripe.

When harvesting it's best not to pull the fruit off the vine.  Pulling them off can snap the vine in half and seriously jeopardise the rest of your crop. Cut the cucumbers off with a sharp pair of clean scissors or secateurs, making sure you leave a bit of stem attached to the fruit.

Pests and the Rest
Cucumbers, like many vines, are susceptible to fungal infections. Prevention is much better than a cure so; clean straw mulch, drip irrigation, good air movement, a trellis or support and root level or early morning watering should deter fungal spores.

Another issues faced by the cucumber is lack of bee activity to pollinate the flowers. Encourage bees into your patch by planting a diverse selection of flowering companion plants, edible and non-edible.   This will hopefully reduce the use of unnecessary pesticides in the garden that often wipe out the good guys as well as the bad.  You can hand pollinate your cucumbers if you are concerned;  simply pick a male flower (one without a small fruit forming at the base) and touch it lightly onto the centre stem of the female flower.


Final Tip
Give your cucumbers a little pinch!  “Pinching out” is a term that just means removing wee bits of the plants to encourage better growth and fruiting. Pinch out growing tips when they have formed about five to seven leaves; also pinch out the laterals (side shoots) that have produced a number of leaves (about eight to ten) but no female flowers ( the ones with the miniature cucumber where the petals start).

Photos taken by Elaine Shaulle (SGA) and Mary Trigger (SGA)

Grow a Garden for Wildlife - Excerpts from Webinar

Get a few tips about creating a garden which is wildlife-friendly.  Here are some excerpts from our webinars.  They feature suggestions about attracting birds and butterflies and how to structure your garden so that its biodiversity will allow  wildlife to enjoy it.

View video - Excerpts from Grow a Garden for Wildlife Webinar

7 Ideas for Designing and Landscaping a Backyard Naturescape Playground

The concepts of sustainability and providing a better future for our younger generations are intertwined with physical and mental health. We can design and landscape our gardens to be both sustainable and engaging for our children by creating a backyard naturescape playground. This can encourage your children to value, learn about and engage with their natural environment in their garden naturescape wonderland.

Article written by Dan Nitsche.

1. Child Friendly Design

The first step is getting your child involved in the design. Whether you hire a landscaper to do the work or you do it yourself, this is an opportunity to talk about the importance of sustainable concepts and how these can be incorporated into your design. You may like to have an overall vision of how the finished garden will look, but it is important to get your little ones to also give you ideas of how they want to use this outside space. They may like to have quiet areas for building an outdoor cubby house or a messy mud kitchen for creating some culinary master pieces. Part of the design is to also ensure that all aspects are accessible but that there is also an element of adventure. This means considering the height and depth of any raised garden beds and also ensuring that the design is flexible enough to let your child’s imagination run wild. One day they could pretend they are captaining a tall ship, the next creating culinary masterpieces in their own outdoor kitchen. Letting your child’s imagination run wild will show them that they can have even more fun engaging in unstructured play with natural elements than simply playing on plastic playground equipment. By including your child’s design ideas they will be more likely to be intrinsically motivated to spend time playing, exploring and learning from the natural world. Fostering an appreciation of the natural world from an early age will lay the foundation for sustainable practices throughout your child’s life.

2. Construct with the Kids

Once a design developed, it’s time to get constructing. Getting your children involved in this will give them greater understanding of sustainable building materials such as recycled timbers, straw bales, recycled and repurposed plastics as well as fallen branches and leaves from already established plants and trees. Their involvement will also provide them with ownership over the finished garden and help them understand the concepts of sustainability and sourcing local materials. Your backyard naturescape playground will be an ever-evolving creation. By involving your children in design and construction of the nature play space they will be subtly learning the benefits of protecting our environment.

3. Integrating Sensory Experiences

Children are tactile creatures, and learn through their senses. Sensory experiences can be created throughout the design using different materials (such as sand, stones, native mulch and wood) and also through the plants you select. Fragrant plants such as lavender, rosemary and other herbs are great for children to use in their pretend play and also to bring inside to cook with. Having spaces where children can combine different sensory elements is also important – a sand area with wooden tree stumps would allow your child to get their hands dirty mixing sand, water and plants they have picked. By incorporating multiple sensory experiences you will foster a greater appreciation of the natural world. They’ll be bursting to get out into the great outdoors to learn and explore, leaving computer and TV screens behind.

4. Ensuring Edible Elements

Children love watching seeds sprout, flowers bloom and fruit grow and by planting edible plants in your garden you will be helping your child understand where fresh fruits and veggies come from. They will understand the concept of seasonal produce and the different growing conditions needed for their favourite summer fruits and winter vegies. Eating produce in season reduces transportation required as well as the need for creating artificial growing conditions, decreasing the carbon emissions involved in getting these foods on your plate. If they are part of growing their own fruit and vegetables they are also much more likely to enjoy eating a healthy range of these foods when it comes to dinner time.

5. Reuse and Recycle Local Natural Materials

Central to the concept of sustainability is reusing and recycling local natural materials. This may mean getting on your local area social media pages to see if anyone has any landscaping materials, mulch or plants. Another idea is to ask your local council if you can have access to any timber that has recently been pruned from trees in the area. Some things to spark your child’s imagination could be creating a water wall using recycled bottles or heading to the local op-shop to source utensils for a mud kitchen. From these activities your child will see the potential for items to be repurposed for a new use and will encourage them to think of other ways they could reuse and recycle items in their day-to-day life.

6. Non-toxic

It goes without saying that everything you use in your backyard naturescape should be non-toxic. This ensures that your child can safely use all of their senses to fully interact with their outdoor wonderland. Especially important is considering the properties of any elements that you are re-using. For example, some wooden pallets have been treated with harsh chemicals making them unsuitable for your garden.

7. Welcoming Backyard Critters

A big part of enjoying the natural environment is learning to live with the plethora of spiders, insects, lizards, frogs and other creatures that all help to create a healthy ecosystem. By understanding the different environments these species like to inhabit you can ensure that spiders will be discouraged from areas of play – this can be achieved through incorporating ‘insect hotels’ into the design. These give spiders a safe place to live while also allowing your child to appreciate their role in the garden. They also will provide homes for insects. Careful plant selection will encourage natural pest controllers such as ladybugs and pollinating bees. Children who are encouraged to interact with garden insects have a greater understanding of their importance to ecological balance and are therefore less likely to resort to using pesticides in later life.

Incorporating sustainable and educational ideas into your nature playground garden design can help nurture environmental values in future generations. So start collaborating with your kids and build your very own naturescape play area in your backyard.


In 2007, the garden was established within the grounds of the Ashwood High School. using the mandala system, based on Linda Woodrow permaculture principles.  Inspiration for the garden was prompted by a fresh food desert prevailing in that area of the Melbourne suburb, Ashwood.  It was spearheaded by one of the school council parents, Mariëtte Tuohey, supported by the former school Principal, Kate Long.

As an incorporated not-for-profit volunteer-run organisation, it aims to encourage like-minded people who wish to learn about growing their own food, sharing their food-growing knowledge, learning more about basic permaculture principles and basic chook care, and engaging socially with others in a friendly garden atmosphere.

The garden has a Management Committee that meets monthly and is governed by the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria. We have public liability insurance, incorporated association rules and a code of conduct. Our volunteers attend the garden on open days each Wednesday and Saturday. We have a chook roster in place for one person to tend the hens each day. New volunteers are always welcome, membership is only $10 per annum and there are no waiting lists or assigned plots, we all garden collectively.

It is a self-funded garden, relying on sale of mulch, plants, seedlings, produce, membership subscriptions and grants.  The money is used to buy chook grain, seeds, seedlings, fruit trees, mower fuel, animal manure and tools. Grants are sought to support larger infrastructure projects i.e. the construction of permanent composting bays.

The garden covers over 2,000 square metres, and contains about 60 fruit trees, several wicking beds, a shade house, pergola, pizza oven, a chook dome protected from foxes by a small electric fence, composting facilities, worm farms, beehive, and two 75,000 litre rainwater tanks.  The rainwater tanks are fed with runoff from the roofs of nearby school buildings.

Our fruit trees include:

  • Granny Smith, Early McIntosh, Sturmer Pippin, Gala, Cox’s Orange Pippin, and Orange Blenheim apples;
  • Josephine, Red d’Anjou, Doyenne du Comice, and Nashi pear;
  • two white and a black variety of fig; and
  • mulberry, almonds, feijoa, lemon, orange, pomelo, macadamia, olive, guava, apricot, plums, nectarine, peach, cherries, quince, varieties of plum, peach, blueberries and loquat.

We move our chook dome every month depending on the condition of the planting circle it is located on.  Once the hens have been moved from a circle, it is prepared for planting. Depending on the season, our plantings include heritage tomatoes, root vegetables, pumpkins and other gourds, Asian greens, beans, green leafy vegetables, summer salad vegetables, melons and marrows and brassicas.

Our recent activities have included the delivery of a free wicking bed construction workshop, our end of year celebration using the onsite pizza oven. We have in the past been part of Duke of Edinburgh and community placement activities of students from Ashwood High School.

We currently have eight working compost bins, which we maintain using some coffee grounds and food preparation scraps (vegetable, of course) from cafes, sawdust, occasional private kitchen scraps, and donated and bought animal manures.

We have an area set aside for deposit of wood chip mulch by commercial tree loppers, with the wood chips used in the garden for mulching paths, chook dome and fruit trees.  The wood chips are available for sale to members of the community ($2 per bag, or $10 per trailer load).

To join, come along to an open day on Wed or Sat – 10:30am till 1:30pm, we are located at 50 Vannam Drive, to the immediate south of Ashwood High School (Melways 60 J 9). Enter at Gate C, walk down the drive and you will locate the garden entrance to your right. No parking in the drive way please.

You can also email us at ahscginc@gmail.com or contact us through Facebook or Instagram (@ahscginc)


Starting Your Own Vegie Patch

If you would prefer to just focus on designing and starting a vegie patch rather than a whole garden, here is a description of how to do it - even on balconies. Richard Rowe, SGA's Training and Learning Coordinator was interviewed by the RACV to create these guidelines which will help you start your own vegie garden to provide you with benefical and tasty food. Building/starting it will give you a healthy dose of sunshine and some gentle exercise.  All important when so many of us are working from home.  They are republished here from the RACV's website.


More than 200 different plant bacteria cause plant disease in Australia. However, there's also a host of bacteria that are beneficial to the plants we grow. Some bacteria have been harnessed for commercial products, to control plant pests and diseases, and some live in mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship with plants.

Beneficial Bacteria

There is a long list of bacteria that help our gardens stay fertile and help break down and recycle nutrients.  Here are just a few.

Agrobacterium sp

Scientists had been battling the 'Baddie' Agrobacterium that causes Crown Gall Disease for decades. It causes cancer-like growths on lower stems and roots. It was a particularly devastating disease of the fruit industry worldwide.

In 1969, a student at the Waite Agricultural Research Institute in Adelaide isolated a strain of the Agrobacterium that infected plants but didn't cause the cancer-like growth. In fact, this benign strain somehow protected young fruit trees against the virulent form of the same bacterium.

Professor Allen Kerr and his team dubbed the strain K84 and later discovered why it worked. K84 produces an antibiotic that is deadly to the pathogenic strain but it is unaffected itself because it possesses a resistance gene that makes it immune to its own antibiotic (and this antibiotic was also found to be harmless to most other bacteria).

Unfortunately, the close relationship also meant that eventually there was gene swapping and the pathogenic strain also developed resistance. Undeterred, the team then worked with overseas scientists, and identified the region of DNA that allowed the transfer to other bacteria. They deleted this region. The bacterium retained its ability to synthesise the antibiotic, but could not pass the resistance gene to other bacteria.

This genetically modified bacterium was then called K1026. In 1988, the NSW Department of Agriculture approved K1026 for commercial use as a pesticide. It was subsequently given the name No Gall and this product is now used all over Australia. It's not been approved for release overseas, as K84 is still an effective control.

In 1990 Professor Allen Kerr, Professor Eugene Nestor (USA), and Professor Jeff Schell (Germany) were awarded the Prime Minister's Australia Prize for Science for this work.
A photo of a cabbage white butterfly caterpillar on a cabbage leaf

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)

Various forms of this bacterium have been harnessed to control some species of leaf-eating caterpillars (like the Cabbage White caterpillar pictured right), mosquitoes and varieties of beetles. It can be found in products called Dipel, Xen Tari, Cybate, Vectobac, and Novodor.

Bt is a naturally occurring soil bacterium and several strains are known to kill insects. Bt's ability was discovered in 1911, but it wasn't commercially available until the 1950s.

Unlike typical nerve-poison insecticides, Bt acts by producing proteins that react with the gut lining. The proteins paralyse the digestive system and the insect stops feeding. The Bt-affected insects die from starvation, which can take several days.
A photo of nitrogen-rich rhizobia bacteria nodules on plant roots


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Legumes (members of the Fabaceae family, which include peas and beans) have a symbiotic relationship with this bacterium. The bacteria are seen as nodules on the roots of legume plants, as can be seen above, and should not be confused with nematode damage (see our information sheet on Nematodes).

Rhizobia provide the plant with additional nitrogen that would otherwise be unavailable to it by converting nitrogen from the atmosphere into ammonia that plants can use.

Legume crops therefore require less nitrogen than other crops because of this relationship.

Acacias have the same relationship with bacteria, and because they are one of the first plants to germinate and grow after fire, they help the plants that follow. Acacias provide nearby plants with nitrogen all year round.

When using pea straw as mulch, often pea plants will germinate. This is to be encouraged. Chop the plants down before they flower, and you also have additional nutritious mulch. Win, win!

Composting Bacteria

Very important for recycling nutrients are the bacteria which are active in both soil and compost heaps.  Most of the composting work is done by bacteria, but fungi and yeasts, as well as certain bugs assist. And, of course, worms very valuable too.

There are a large number of different bacterial species but they can be broadly divided into aerobic (requiring oxygen) and anaerobic (do not require oxygen).  Aerobes are most efficient at breaking down organic material and do most of the work to release the nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and minerals) that provide the growth-promoting qualities of compost.  To keep them happy we need to turn compost heaps regularly, avoid them getting "gluggy" or put in tubes with holes punched in them to keep an air supply going.

The anaerobes can also break down organic material, but rather slowly and, if there are too many of them, compost piles will start to smell ugly because they release hydrogen sulphide which smells like rotten eggs.

Biodegradation - various species

Various bacteria species have been found to break down pesticides, pollutants (such as hydrocarbons in oil spills, as seen above), sulphur and nutrient residues into non-toxic compounds.

They are being used in bioremediation and as natural biodegradation agents.


Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) are various species of bacteria that exist in the root zones and enhance plant growth.

Ice nucleation active (INA) bacteria, such as Erwinia herbicola, are epiphytes, that is, they are grown upon or attached to plants. These bacteria actually promote frost damage to sensitive plants by initiating the formation of ice crystals.

So foster growth of beneficial bacteria in your garden.

Is Biochar “Wonderstuff”?

Biochar has been hailed as a useful contributor to reducing the world’s increasing carbon emissions since it stores carbon in the soil1 . It has also been recommended as an alternative to chemical fertilisers, since it remains in the soil to increase productivity for a very long time2. We review what is known about biochar and its use and one of SGA’s supporters, Keith Laker, shares with us his experience of making and using it in his garden. It is claimed that the pre-Columbian Amazonians created rich fertile soils by burning their agricultural waste in pits and covering the smouldering material with soil. This material, called terra preta de Indio, was stored underground. It is believed that it was then incorporated into the soil by earthworms.

How biochar is made

The production of biochar requires that all or nearly all oxygen in the atmosphere is excluded in the process of pyrolysis – in contrast to what happens when biomass (i.e. plant material including grain stalks, wood, grass, bamboo, nut shells) combusts above ground with adequate oxygen supply3. The process used in pre-Columbian days, however, actually produced significant amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases along with the charcoal. In contrast, modern systems control the temperature so that at 400 – 500 oC biomass burns quickly and produces more char along with small amounts of liquids and gases. At temperatures higher than 700 oC, more liquid, energy and gas are produced and they can be harnessed for energy supply. Although some carbon dioxide is produced, it is less than would be released if the biomass had been allowed to decompose in landfill to release methane – a more powerful greenhouse gas.

There are many commercial systems around the world for processing biomass. Many are small scale, suitable for use by communities and farms for processing local waste materials. Depending on the system, different proportions of energy or char are produced. In many instances, systems for energy production have been favoured because of attempts find alternatives to fossil fuels.

What are its benefits to soil?

As well as being a soil sink for carbon, biochar is reported to increase crop production by virtue of its highly porous structure. Since biochar is highly porous it helps retain soil moisture, absorbs nutrients on to the microsurfaces inside particles and retains them, improving the efficiency of added fertilisers4. It improves soil structure for earthworm populations and enhances microbial growth by providing increased internal surface area for growth of bacteria and especially fungi which process soil organic matter making it available to plants 5,6. Since it does not decompose readily, it does not need to be replaced each year.

The downsides

It seems that different biochars have different properties depending on the type of biomass used, which crops it is used for and the type of fertilizer applied along with it. A major criticism is that, because of world demand for fuel, commercial crops low in food productivity are being grown instead of good food producing crops and that forests may be felled just for the purpose of producing biofuel and accompanying biochar.

A personal experience with making and using biochar

An SGA supporter, Keith Laker, writes:

You can make your own biochar using a home-made TLUD (Top lit up draught stove). I made mine from a design in the book The Biochar Revolution and from watching Youtube videos of other people’s efforts. This Youtube link shows a stove made from materials very similar to my own. Watch this youtube video.

woodTLUD stoves burn waste wood from the top down rather than the bottom up. At the end of the burn process the wood is carbonized but retains its shape.

My TLUD stove is made from a stainless steel bucket, an upturned stainless steel bowl, a ducting connector and a short length of galvanized pipe for the flue.

Holes have been drilled under the bucket to let in limited air when the stove is first lit. The main air source is from the holes drilled around the rim of the upturned bowl.

chimney 2During the burn process the bucket is fractionally raised off the ground by sitting it on three long nails so a little air can enter through the holes in the bottom.

To light the fire from the top I spread a small amount of citronella lamp oil on the top layer of material and then drop a lit piece of paper, again dipped in lamp oil, down the flue.

The fire burns brightly with virtually no smoke. TLUD stoves can be used as cookers and for heating water in many developing countries. The skill, gained from a bit of trial and error, is knowing when the wood has burned enough to carbonize but not too much so it turns to ash. I use a folded bit of paper inserted under the stove next to the nails. When it starts to scorch I know the heat has reached the bottom of the bucket and the burn process has to be stopped.

burningThe three nails elevating the base of the bucket are removed to stop air coming in from underneath.

The flue and bowl are removed and the fire rapidly begins to die down. I smother the fire by using the heavy lid of my cast iron Cheminea outdoor fireplace which conveniently fits the top of the bucket, and leave it overnight to cool. You can also douse the fire with water to end the burn process.

The result is carbonized wood ready for inoculation.

The charcoal has a very fine and porous structure which powerfully attracts and holds beneficial soil microbes and water. This can mean that when initially applied, it can draw in microbes from the soil. For this reason many biochar makers believe it is better to inoculate the biochar with nutrients such as compost tea, worm juice, Seasol and other organic fertilizers and let it “brew” for about three weeks before adding to the soil7.

The recommendation is four parts compost to one part biochar. My compost is primarily grass cuttings and green waste made in a tumbler. I also add worm juice and castings. Everyone develops their own recipe. The mixture is then left to charge for three weeks before use.

Two tomatoesResults? I’ve done some simple experiments where I planted identical seedlings, some with biochar some without. Here is an example of two pots of tomatoes, same species, planted at the same time. The biochar ones are on the left (note the possum guards.

In fact we have never had better tomatoes than we had this year, all either planted with inoculated biochar or have had biochar added later. We planted heirloom Periforme Abruzzese and Tigerellas. They have fruited phenomenally. Likewise our broccoli, cauliflower, beans and silverbeet.

Photos: Keith Laker.
Keith is retired small business owner involved in energy efficient cooling, solar and heating products for typical suburban homes. He founded Breeze Power Natural Cooling Pty Ltd, a natural, whole of home cooling system that partners roof top solar panels. His passion now is improving the life force of the soil in his garden.


1. Lehmann J, Gaunt J, Rondon M. (2006) Bio-char Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems – A Review. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11, (2): 395-419.
2. Woolf D, Amonette J E, Street-Perrott E A, Lehmann J, Joseph S.(2010) Sustainable biochar to mitigate global climate change. Nature Communications 1, Article Number 56.
3. Winsley P. (2007) Biochar and bioenergy production for climate change mitigation.
Zealand Science Review 64: 1-10.
4. Taylor P. (2010) The biochar revolution. www.biochar-books.com/.
5. Laird D A. (2008) The charcoal vision: A win–win–win scenario for simultaneously producing bioenergy, permanently sequestering carbon, while improving soil and water quality. Journal of Agronomy 100 (1): 178-181.
6. Major M. Biochar for soil quality improvement, climate change mitigation and more. (accessed 08-10-2014).
7. Crowley D, McGiffen M, Hale Lauren. (2011) University of California, Riverside. Biochar as a Carrier for Microbial Inoculants.

What makes my garden sustainable?

The vegetable garden is a flop, the drought tolerant plants turned up toes as soon as the summer rain came so I planted plants that like water, and my husband ripped out my favourite native shrub because it had thorns. It sounds like exactly the opposite of sustainable gardening doesn’t it?

If my garden doesn’t exactly fit the mould, what claims can I make to being a sustainable gardener?

Kate Wall tells us about her gardening journey, revealing to us that there is more than one way of creating a sustainable garden.

Sustainability looks different in each garden. Overall it is about reducing the environmental footprint of our gardening activities. The means of achieving this are as diverse as are the gardens themselves. I don’t strive for best practice, nor do I encourage best practice from my clients. When it comes to true sustainability, best practice is a big ask. Instead, I look for steps in the right direction.

Actually, in spite of my background in environmental biology, I did not set out to be a sustainable gardener. Probably because I assumed that by being a gardener I was already doing a good thing – growing plants is good for the environment right? Surely that is enough?

Back when I was a uni student, decades ago, we were young and eager. We believed that lawns were bad for the environment, and natives were good. We spent hours in the bush poisoning weeds that seemed to grow back faster than we could kill them.

I ended up with a garden that was full of natives, had no lawn and was ugly and unusable. I threw my eco views to the wind and decided it was time to create a garden I could love. I planted common things that looked beautiful and were hardy, I pulled out thorny and unattractive natives and put in a small lawn. The pumpkin patch gave way to lawn and the failing vegetable garden gave way to yet more salvias.

IMG_4296The outcome is a garden which ticks many sustainability boxes, even if they are not the obvious ones. Many of the choices I made were driven by lack of budget or lack of time, but the end result was sustainable. Overall the garden has low resource use which is a big sustainability tick. It does get watered but not regularly and mostly by rainwater or greywater, chemicals and fertilisers are very rarely used –even the organic ones, most of the materials used are reused or repurposed, plants are mostly sourced locally, and are climate suitable, it features some natives and some edibles, it has trees and green spaces which cool the home and provide some storm protection, very little stormwater leaves the site, it has very little green waste leaving the site, with most being composted in the garden or in the chook pen and it is teaming with life, from the very tiny to the furry fruit stealing varieties!

The garden has been designed as a purely ornamental garden. That aim has been achieved – it is a beautiful place to be, and gives me immense joy. While putting in a simple grey water system was very deliberate, many of the other sustainability features were more accidental.

I have always been passionate about caring for the soil, so composting and mulching were just part of gardening to me. I am a mad plant person, so having a biologically diverse garden was driven not by a desire for diversity but by a desire for a flower I didn’t already have. Sourcing locally was easy – sharing cuttings and swapping plants with local gardeners makes good economic sense as well as giving access to plants not found in nurseries. This also led to climate appropriate plants – things that were growing in nearby gardens and did well in our conditions. Climate appropriate plants tend to need less care so that is a huge bonus not just for sustainability, but also for time-poor me.

The garden features reused materials in abundance – from rock edging to decorative gravel, to large pots, gates, garden ornaments and even some of the plants – all unwanted somewhere else, and found a new lease on life in my garden. Even the cubby was made entirely out of cast off materials.

Lack of time meant that I was not busy watering, or spraying pests. Plants had to cope or not with whatever came at them.

Praying Mantis on Salvia
Praying Mantis on Salvia

Over time I realised that I had actually created a very ecological garden. It has a very complex interplay between plants creating microclimates which supported each other. Things were planted to cope in the wet spots, or the dry spots, or the shady spots or sunny spots, and this allowed dense plantings into every nook and cranny – much the way nature does. By filling these spots, there was no room for weeds. By letting the plants fully fill the spaces, the garden is dense, lush and beautiful without needing regular mulching as the soil is shaded and covered by natural leaf drop.

Robber Fly
Robber Fly

Being mad about flowers, I have always grown as many as I could, with the benefit of bringing in the pollinators and the good bugs. These days 90% of the pest control in the garden has no input from me. Sure there are a few holes in some leaves, but I get the joy of a garden teaming with butterflies, and our son gets the joy of discovering all sorts of interesting insects in the garden.

I believe that sustainable gardening is not a “one size fits all” sport. It is an exercise in increasing awareness of our natural world, and with that increased awareness comes joy, appreciation and an ever increasing desire to always go one step further. And so the journey begins….

Malabar Spinach Research Project

A great spinach to grow in summer as an alternative to English spinach, which can struggle in the heat, is Malabar spinach, also known as Ceylon spinach or vine spinach. Its berries contain a rich deep purple pigment which is currently the subject of research because it is thought to have a powerful capacity as a cancer preventive agent. We asked for people who would like to receive free seeds to grow this plant and then to contribute its berries to scientists for research.  We had a great response!

The vine

This decorative vine can provide nutritious, lush, green leaves for cooking or salads all summer long. The small tender leaves are best for salads. Malabar spinach originated in tropical Africa and Asia so grows best in the warmer northern regions of Australia where it grows as a perennial. In cooler regions it will grow as a vigorous annual in summer, dying off in winter. There are two species: Basella rubra with an attractive, dark red stem and B. alba with a green stem. Both species grow as a vine with many heart shaped, slightly spongy dark green leaves, which can become quite leathery with age. When grown in good compost and watered twice a week, the vines will climb steadfastly upwards covering tripods and trellises creating a wall of leaves. Undeterred by extreme conditions they almost seem to go crazy in heatwaves. Cook the leaves as you would spinach. They make valuable additions to curries and stews.

The berries

Towards the end of summer many small pink flowers appear which attract insects. The flowers transform into clusters of green berries which later turn deep purple. The rich deep purple pigment contains betacyanins which are being analysed by researchers.

The Research

It is known that these betacyanins are related to a similar pigment, betanin, found in red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.).  Betanin is known to be capable of preventing growth of cancer cells and also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties 1 so red beetroot has been suggested to be a disease-preventing functional food 2. The pigment in Malabar spinach, gomphrenin I, has a slightly different structure. But scientists, who are in Europe, have been searching for the dried berries to conduct research and asked gardeners in Australia to grow the vines, harvest the berries then dry them either in the sun or in a dehydrator.   And, of course, they could eat some of the leaves on the way! A large number of people contacted them for a starter pack containing a packet of free seeds and some simple growing instructions.

Dome built at a primary school in Alberton,, SA

From this great response 10 kg pf dried berries were obtained and sent to the European researchers. Most of the dried berries came from an amazing garden at a primary school in Alberton SA. The gardener there had grown the spinach over a dome-like wire structure to provide shade.  About 8 kg of dried berries came from this structure.

It is amazing how connections can be made in the organic gardening world -  one was someone who has a connection to a small village in the Philippines.  Some of the villagers are now growing the spinach to collect the berries.  Apparently it grows wild there.  The researchers are hoping that the villagers will become the main suppliers since they are in real need of the income.  We'll see.

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26463240
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4425174/

How to protect heritage biodiversity in your own garden

Growing Tomatoes
Heritage varieties taste so much better than supermarket-bought produce!

Here’s a great combination in a very small package! And it doesn’t cost much either.

Heirloom seeds (aka heritage seeds) produce great-tasting veggies, fruit and herbs along with seeds you can plant for more great produce next season. An added bonus is that you’ll also be helping to preserve our collective gardening heritage.

Most commercial enterprises grow only a few varieties of any particular fruit, vegetable or herb. It makes sense for them to choose what to grow on the basis of productivity, what can survive transport and storage conditions, and what looks good in the supermarket.

So what’s the problem? Unfortunately, appearances can be deceptive. If those lovely red tomatoes and colourful apples don’t live up to expectations, it could be you’re eating a variety that transports well but lacks the yumminess of older varieties. The older, tastier varieties might have disappeared because they bruise more easily during transport, don’t store well for long periods, or simply aren’t highly productive on the farm or in the orchard. 

You may already know you can avoid some of those issues by growing your own produce in the backyard, on your balcony, or in the local community garden. But a growing number of modern varieties are hybrids. And that means any seeds they produce are likely to either be non-viable – they won’t grow into new plants, or any plants that do grow just won’t be as good their parents. 

In contrast, heirloom seeds are ‘open-pollinating’. They’re naturally pollinated, most likely by wind, insects or birds. Their seeds will probably grow like the parent plant. However, they could also surprise you as a result of natural genetic variation, something plant breeders have used for centuries to develop new varieties with better or more unusual characteristics. So preserving heritage means using seeds like those in the 2 packets to the left and not the others on the right of this picture.

Growing plants from seed makes a lot of sense when you’re on a limited budget. Per plant they’re much cheaper than seedlings, and easier to purchase online. Buying heirloom seeds makes sense too, because you won’t have to buy new seeds every year. You could also look for a local seed swapping network to help you broaden your collection. 

Sustainable Gardening Australia strongly supports the use of heirloom seeds and most good nurseries and garden centres stock them. Our Friends of SGA (FOSGA) page HERE lists several good heirloom seed suppliers. When you join FOSGA, you can get heirloom seeds at discount prices from these suppliers, which means that using your garden to recreate and share history just got even better!

Further reading 

Growing plants from seed 

When nature produces plants that set seed, it usually means that this is the best way for the plant to reproduce. 

Heritage veggies 

The best reason to grow heirloom veggies may be this: they are dead easy, even for beginner green thumbs! 

Know your seeds 

Cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collard greens, kohlrabi and some Asian varieties all come from the ‘wild cabbage’ native to southern and western Europe. 

Penny Woodward on sustainability 

For over 10,000 years, humans have been breeding vegetables and fruit trees, developing tens and hundreds of thousands of different varieties that can be used in different countries and different climates to feed everyone. But since the early 1900s we’ve lost nearly 90% of those due to industrial agriculture. 


Zucchini is an ideal plant for the beginner vegetable gardener because it is quick and easy to grow. Zucchini or courgette (Cucurbita pepo) is closely related to cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin and squash. There are also many ways to use the prolific fruit.

Planting schedule

Warm: April - September except for arid areas where September is the best.
Temperate: September - January
Cool: October – January

In temperate and cool areas it is best to sow seeds in small pots (try making them out of newspaper) indoors or in a greenhouse since they do not like cold weather. They usually germinate in 1 – 2 weeks and can be planted when there are several true leaves. In warm areas, direct sow seeds.


Find a sunny spot with at least 6 hours of sun per day. It is best that they are sheltered from wind since their large leaves can catch the wind and cause damage to their soft stems. In exposed locations a trellis or some other form of support will be needed.

Because zucchini plants are large and sprawling, leave about 50 – 60 cm between them. You might sow seeds or plant seedlings closer and then thin them out to the desired spacing.

Talking Dirty

Like most fruit and vegetables, zucchini like good well-draining soil – raised beds will provide appropriate drainage or plant on a slight mound of soil.

Feed Me

Add plenty of compost or aged manure a week or so before planting and then again when flowering starts.

What about the water?

Since the fruit are very fleshy, zucchini need plenty of water - irrigation 2 – 3 times per week or a thorough deep hand watering once per week. It is important to avoid watering the leaves, especially late in the season when mildew and other diseases can be a problem. Don’t worry if the leaves wilt on very hot days – they will recover as long as the roots zone is watered regularly. Mulching with pea or lucerne straw will help keep soil moist.

Are we there yet?

Zucchini have separate male and female flowers and, like most species, it is the females that product fruit. The male flower grows directly on the stem of the plant in the leaf axils (where leaf meets stem) on a long stalk, and they are slightly smaller than the female. The male flower grows directly on the stem of the plant in the leaf axils (where leaf meets stem) on a long stalk, and they are slightly smaller than the female. Inside the flower, females have a rounded stigma whereas the male has a long stamen with pollen on the outside.

This is important to recognize if you find that flowers are forming but they bloom and fade, with no fruit growing afterwards. It could be that your garden lacks pollinators especially in recent years when bee numbers have been declining. If this occurs, you could try hand pollination. Use a fine paint brush in the mornings and carefully brush it against the male stamen and transfer pollen to the female stigma.

Planting other flowering plants, especially nasturtiums, which are a good companion plant for zucchini, will help attract bees to your garden.

Fruit usually appear 5 – 8 weeks after planting. Zucchini need to be regularly harvested to encourage continuous cropping. They are usually harvested quite small and immature as allowing them to continue growing results in fruit that is too big to be used as a vegetable. So watch carefully since once they start appearing since they can grow rapidly producing large unwieldy fruit. It is best to harvest when they are around 12 – 20 cm long.

The flowers are also edible - this is a good way to use the occasional excesses of male flower.  They can be used in salads, as garnish, and even fried or stuffed with cheese, bacon, mushroom or tomato and baked.

Pests and the rest

Few pests cause serious problems for zucchini but, like all Cucurbits, they can be susceptible to a range of fungal diseases. In particular, powdery mildew, but this is easily eradicated. Another potential problem is blossom end rot, which isn't a contagious disease, but is caused by calcium deficiency.


Zucchini are available in a range of shapes and colours, not just the familiar dark green sausage-shape that is readily available in supermarkets, but yellow, striped in different shades of green and even curved or almost round. For example, 'Blackjack' is a prolific bush variety with very dark-green long fruit, and 'Golden', is a yellow-skinned variety. A number of seed suppliers stock a variety of heirloom varieties that are worth investigating, including 'Crookneck Early Summer', which is very suited to those who aren't able to harvest fruit as frequently, as they remain an edible size for much longer than other varieties.  There are also more compact varieties, such as Cocozelle, which means you don't need to provide support or have a large garden space.

Information sources:

Yates Garden Guide, 42nd Edition, 2006, published by Harper Collins Publishers.
Blazey, C., The Australian Vegetable Garden - what's new is old, 2001, published by New Holland Publishers.