Community Partner Terms and Conditions…

This is an agreement between:

[Name of Community Partner] (the Community Partner)


Sustainable Gardening Australia Inc ARBN 126 118 287 (SGA)

Date of this agreement:         [date]

  1. The Community Partner shares SGA’s vision for a healthy biodiverse planet and vibrant sustainable communities, and is committed to inspiring, empowering and connecting individuals, communities and organisations to garden sustainably to:
  2. protect and nurture the natural environment;
  3. encourage local healthy food production; and 
  4. build community connectedness.
  5. Term:

The Community Partner is an SGA community partner for 12 months from the date of payment of the Fee. 

  • Payment 

(a)   The Community Partner will pay SGA $450.00 plus GST ($495.00) (the Fee

(b)  Payment can be made by direct deposit into SGA’s bank account nominated on the community partnership invoice.

  • Benefits

During the Term of the community partnership:

  • SGA will provide a Bite Size Talk for the Community Partner’s staff or community within the Melbourne metropolitan area on a date to be agreed and at a venue to be made available by the Community Partner.  
    • Bite Size talks are 45 minutes in length, and are perfect for employee lunchtime talks, a session at a seniors or retirement seminar, a talk at the local library or a sustainability festival.
    • SGA will provide the Community Partner with a list of Bite Size Talk topics to select from.  
    • Travel charges may apply where a venue is further than 15km from SGA’s office.
    • Changes to scope or format may attract additional charges.
    • SGA can provide a digital copy of talk notes for the Community Partner to print and distribute at the event.
    • Additional charges may apply where SGA provides the talk materials.
  • SGA will acknowledge the Community Partner as an ‘SGA Community Partner’ on the SGA website.
  • the Community Partner may use the ‘SGA Community Partner’ Logo on its website.  The Community Partner agrees to remove the ‘SGA Community Partner’ Logo from its website at the end of the Term unless thecommunity partnershipis renewed.
  • the Community Partner will be entitled to a 10% discount on SGA Community Workshops booked during the Term (not cumulative with any other discounts).