Citizen Science: A Pathway to Gardening Success and Biodiversity Conservation
In recent years, the realm of science has experienced a remarkable transformation, one that invites people from all walks of life to participate…
Wildflower gardens – What’s the buzz about?
In the quest for sustainable and environmentally conscious practices, gardening enthusiasts and nature lovers alike are turning to a time-tested…
VIDEO SNIPPET: Where have all the small birds gone?
Why are small birds on the decline? What can you do to attract them? This SGA Video Snippet takes a quick look at what factors contribute to a…
Indigenous plants for reducing insect decline
A steep drop in insect numbers since the 1970s has environmentalists very concerned. While we might not miss some species - mosquitoes and termites…
Myrtle Rust is a Spreading Problem
Myrtle rust is a spreading problem in Australia. It is a fungus, Puccinia psidii, which affects plants in the family Myrtaceae. While there are…
The Time is Now for Street Gardening
As our cities are densified, street gardening on nature strips and verges can make important contributions to biodiversity, beauty, increasing carbon…
Insect Hotels
Supporting Biodiversity? or just Garden Art? Ever wondered where all those bugs go in the winter or when it rains? They don’t pack their bags and…
Celebrate World Bee Day 2021
20th May is World Bee Day. How will you be celebrating these really significant insects? The main purpose of World Bee Day is to spread awareness of…
Insects and Extinctions
What is happening to insects? Do you see the same number of insects in your garden as you did a few years ago? Research in the northern hemisphere…
Good Flies
Not all flies are bad! We are used to being concerned when we see a blowfly, thinking it carries disease, or being annoyed by those pesky common…