Choosing the right plant for the right place and knowing how to care for them is very important – it helps minimise materials and care needed to make them flourish and minimise the need to weed.
Artificial Tree Hollows for Animal Habitat
There are many benefits in keeping dead trees. However, in the modern age, trees are usually viewed in terms of amenity and safety, with unsafe…
A School’s Sustainable Gardening Adventure
One way to teach children about sustainable gardening practices is by developing a community garden on school grounds. An example of this comes from…
Non-invasive Alternatives to Weedy Plant Species
Weeds (invasive plant species) reduce biodiversity as well as having other have significant impacts such as loss of habitat, increased fire risk and…
The Things People do . . . . . . . . . . to Trees!!!
Given the splendour and usefulness of trees in the urban environment, it is really amazing what otherwise sensible and apparently sane people do to…
Sea Celery – an Indigenous Edible Plant
When we think about native foods, or bushfood we often miss the nuances of what each one means. Many (if not all) are inextricably linked to…
Are Plants Intelligent?
In the 1980’s, mentioning that plants could communicate or that they might be intelligent used to draw the response “Are you crazy?” when this was…
Gift Ideas for Sustainable Gardeners
If you're like me, come the beginning of December, I'm scratching my head to think of suitable presents that might be appreciated by the recipients.…
New Book “Tomato”- All Your Questions Answered and More
Tomato – Know, Sow, Grow, Feast, 2018
Albany Woolly Bush – A Home Grown Christmas Tree
Adenanthos sericeus As the festive season approaches, many of you may be considering a Christmas tree for the occasion. Why not break from the…
Living Mulch: Waterwise, Firewise & Seriously Good Looking
Mulching the garden to cut-back on water-use is enshrined in garden lore. Protecting the soil from direct sunlight prevents it from getting hot and…
The Benefits of Indoor Plants
On average, every Australian spends around 90% of their time indoors, be it at work, at home, at the shops or the local pub - a figure that is quite…