Community Education Formats and Costs
Many workshops are delivered indoors with seating and projection making them perfect for an evening event or when weather is not suitable for gardening.
Community Webinars
1 to 1 1/2 hours ($350 / $500 per event + GST)
Community Webinars enable SGA expertise to come to you, regardless of where you are. Delivered in a webinar format with polls, Q7A and chat facility the session enable people to learn about gardening sustainably as part of their community. They are designed to be clear, concise and grounded in the latest science and best gardening practice. Recordings and information sheets are supplied at an extra cost.
Community Workshops
1 1⁄2 to 2 hours ($450 / event + GST)
Community Workshops bring groups of people together to learn about gardening sustainably. They are designed to be inspiring, grounded in the latest science and best gardening practice and rich in practical suggestions for people to use in their own gardens.
A typical 2 hour workshop agenda is:
- Introduction by the workshop sponsor (5 mins)
- Workshop Part 1 (45 mins)
- Beverage Break (15 mins)
- Workshop Part 2 (45 mins)
- Q&A (10 mins)
Walk and Talk
1 1⁄2 to 2 hours ($450 / event + GST)
A community garden or nature reserve is a great venue to inspire people to garden more sustainably. The venue provides the inspiration for discussion, highlighting examples of what can be achieved or changed in the home garden or community space. Topics that can be adopted to this format include Habitat Gardening, Preparing for (season) Harvest and Starting an Organic Garden.
Bite Size Talks
45 min ($250 / event + GST)
While our Bite Size Talks are shorter in length, they are packed with ideas and actions for people to take home and try. They are perfect for employee lunchtime talks, a session at a seniors or retirement seminar, a talk at the local library or a sustainability festival.
- Travel charges may apply where a venue is further than 15km from SGA’s office.
- Changes to workshop scope or format may attract additional charges.
- Additional charges may apply where SGA provides workshop materials.
- SGA can provide a digital copy of workshop notes for the host to print and distribute at the event.
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