A native bee on a yellow pollinator plantWorkshop Description

There are more than 11 million households in Australia. Imagine if each one planted a pot of flowering plants specifically to attract pollinating insects… 

The Buzzy Pots workshop covers the vital role pollinators play in our urban ecosystem and why planting for them is essential. Attendees will learn about the best types of flowers to attract native bees and butterflies, including recommendations for indigenous pollinator-friendly blooms that thrive in pots and containers.  

Perfect for gardeners of all levels, the workshop includes practical design tips for creating containers filled with pollinator-attracting plants. Whether you have a small balcony or a spacious backyard, you’ll leave with the knowledge to create containers buzzing with bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. Join us to help cultivate a vibrant, sustainable environment for our pollinators! 

Topics Covered

  • Why plant for pollinators: insect decline and urbanisation
  • Flower types and colours for pollinators
  • Indigenous plants suitable for container planting
  • Planting and caring for container plants
  • Design tips for containers
  • Real examples and planting combinations
  • Resources

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