Help make our gardens and our planet thrive!

Join us in our mission to make gardens thrive, communities flourish, and protect our environment for a greener and more sustainable planet. Our not-for-profit operations are sustained by the generosity of the members and donors who support our work. As a small volunteer-led, not-for-profit organisation, every tax-deductible donation goes a long way. 

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.



Be a Part of Our Efforts – Donate to Our Work

Help fund our Education Programs: We believe that knowledge is the key to change. Your support will enable us to continue offering regular, low-cost sustainable gardening masterclasses delivered by experts in their fields. In the last year we’ve run 18 masterclasses, delivering extensive sustainable gardening education throughout Australia. This year we launched a new format for our masterclasses – Instead of a single monthly topic, we’re now offering a comprehensive series of detailed talks. Learn more

Get Behind Safer Chemical Choices: WiseGardening – Choices to Protect You and the Planet is a first-of-its-kind app, developed by SGA to rate the safety and risks of over 800 garden chemical products and present a range of non-chemical alternatives. But there is more work to be done! Help us continue to manage this invaluable resource and take it to new heights. Learn more

Support our Community Building Efforts: By engaging many we are making big changes.  In the last year SGA has worked with many local councils and community groups to deliver more than 50 workshops and webinars to nearly 1,000 participants. By backing our regular community workshops with a donation you’ll be building a community of gardeners, connecting like-minded individuals who are keen to develop sustainable gardening practices. Learn more

Help us Create More Free Sustainable Gardening Resources: Knowledge is power. Help us champion the creation of sustainable gardens through the ongoing provision of evidence-based resources. Our free resources, including print, web, newsletters, and social media provide strategies and methods to increase biodiversity and reduce environmental impact; as well as practical details about growing food in home and community contexts – an activity that reduces food miles, supports local communities and promotes personal health. Learn more

Support our Green Gardening Professionals Program: Since 2015, professional gardeners, landscapers and horticulturists hear from expert speakers to assist with their professional development.  Our Green Gardening Professionals (GGP) Program informs and connects those working in the horticultural industry.  Help us close the loop in sustainable gardening practices. Learn more

Back Our Sustainable Partnerships: We collaborate with organisations, businesses, and communities to drive positive change and promote sustainable gardening practices across Australia. Our upcoming ‘Climate Resilient Gardening’ forum on August 14 will be an opportunity to consider the effects climate change will have on our gardens and garden practices. Learn more