Wicking Beds

Wicking beds are one of the gardening innovations which have become mainstream. You know, I’ve been…

Wicking Beds – Video

Loved by many, enjoyed by few. The ultimate ‘How-to’ guide for creating and enjoying your very own…

Water Efficient Wicking Beds and Pots – Community Workshop

Workshop Description Wicking beds and pots water themselves and are a great DIY project for the water smart gardener. Wicking beds and pots are watered from a reservoir below the soil. Through a…

Worm Wicking – One Year On

Last August, I wrote an article for SGA about my first attempt at a Sustainable Wicking Worm Bed.…

Sustainable Wicking Worm Bed

Progress Updated March 2013 When I built my first wicking worm bed 10 months ago, it was a test bed…

Shade Gardening

Following the recent announcement from the Bureau of Meteorology predicting a hot and windy summer…

Thriving in the Heat: Managing Plant Heat Stress

As the mercury rises, your garden confronts the challenge of heat stress. Understanding how various…


In 2007, the garden was established within the grounds of the Ashwood High School. using the…

Sustainable Garden Furniture

Even if we live in an apartment, most of us have some sort of garden furniture – even if it is just…